Muttly Crew Rescue
Muttly Crew Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit organization that provides foster-based dog rescue and other services. We specialize in creating safe, happy homes for dogs in Orange County. Unlike most dog rescue organizations, Muttly Crew does not employ shelter facilities where dogs are locked in cages. As you can imagine, these types of conditions can often traumatize dogs and make them more aggressive and less likely to be adoptable. Muttly Crew’s rescue process is built on the principle of treating dogs humanely and with care throughout their journey to a new home.
Unique Foster-based Rescue Process:
Provide Quality Vet Care - vaccinations, spay or neuter, chip, attend to any illness or injuries
Place directly into foster family homes - leash walking training, potty training etc.
Foster Family Helps Build Home Skills. Many dogs are found abandoned on the streets, or stuck in a backyard all of their life, our foster families help rescued dogs with home skills for reentry into a private home
Dogs are profiled on our website in hopes of finding permanent homes